Please give a hearty welcome to v3.0.0 of our Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) for Equinix Metal!
In this release we've made some notable leaps forward, especially relating to load balancing options. With CCM v3.0.0 you can now:
  • Use a choice of load balancer, with Kube-vip and MetalLB as first-class citizens.
  • Deploy your load balancer independently with CCM managing the configuration.
  • Set an empty load balancer (which does not configure any load balancer at all, but handles all of the Equinix Metal API steps, including BGP on project and nodes, Elastic IPs, and node annotations).
  • Use multiple clusters in a single project.
  • Use dedicated ingress nodes when using BGP.
  • Select the BGP source address and set it via annotations.
We've also implemented a complete
from Packet to Equinix Metal, including repository and organization on GitHub and Docker Hub, configuration names, environment variable names, resource names, and documentation. Whew!
And last but not least -
of course. :-)
Go forth and conquer! And say hello to the Kube-vip mascot: