If you dig NixOS and you love Metal, then today is a happy day!
Thanks to a collaboration with Determinate Systems, NixOS 21.05 "Okapi" is now available as an official OS for Equinix Metal. That means you're just one click (or API call) away from enjoying your favorite declarative operating system on some sweet bare metal.
  • NixOS 21.05 is available on just about all configs.
  • Notable exception: c3.small.x86 is not yet ready, but coming very soon.
  • Yes, this includes x86 and Arm configs (example, c3.large.arm). Woot!
While adding a new OS to our list sounds simple, a
of great "under the hood" work has taken place to make it easier and more reliable for us to validate and then deliver images across our configs.
Huge props to our Delivery Engineering team to Graham Christensen and Determinate Systems for working with us and being the first one through the gate.