This is a big one, friends.
We’ve added a new network interface configuration called “hybrid bonded” on your server page, which enables both L3 (Internet) and L2 (Private VLANs) on a single LACP bond.
This means you can now run a highly available mixed network setup on Metal! Firewall? Router? Interconnected Ingress Controller? Yup.
No More Marketing Speak, Give me the Details!
Hybrid Bonded mode view docs enables a highly available “bonded” setup of 2 networking interfaces that supports both Layer 2 and Layer 3 modes at the same time. This keeps the functionality of supporting both Layer 2 and Layer 3, but does so while maintaining a highly available bonded networking interface that spans two diverse upstream switches.
Heads up
: Hybrid Bonded mode is available in all Equinix IBX locations on 3rd generation servers. How do you know if you're deploying into an Equinix IBX? Look for a two-letter facility code (e.g. DC13 or SV15). Legacy sites leverage three-letter airport-style codes (e.g. EWR1 or SJC1).
Don't worry, legacy servers in legacy data centers can still use Hybrid Unbonded mode.