This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Alan Leung. The current owner is: Unassigned. Support ZStack Cloud as an official operating system for Private/Hybrid Cloud deployment.
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Jacob Smith. The current owner is: Mas. Support VyOS 1.3.x as an official operating system inline with offerings on AWS, GCP, etc.
"VyOS is a Debian GNU/Linux-based open source network ope...
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Alexander Turner. The current owner is: Sal Carrasco. Fluid would make it really easy to deploy managed Kube and VMs on Metal. It's fairly straightforward at the moment with the custom iPXE...
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Jorrit Kokhuis. The current owner is: Mas. Provide the option to deploy VMware ESXi 8.0 on appropriate Gen3 configurations.
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Kathy Giori. The current owner is: Ravinder Braich. EVE-OS leverages Alpine Linux, therefore support for Alpine is desired too. (
EVE-OS however adds...
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Enkel Prifti. The current owner is: Ravinder Braich. The VCF image of VMware that allows the same VLANs to be attached to multiple network ports isn't supported on the a3.large.x86 currentl...
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: David Luke. The current owner is: Unassigned. When attempting to use Custom iPXE for deployment of Windows, the default /31 Public IP Subnet provided to Custom iPXE instances in Layer 3 mod...
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Damian Sieczkowski. The current owner is: Unassigned. Allow image installers to run in UEFI mode
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Zachary Smith. The current owner is: Sal Carrasco. Support for SUSE's edge-focused enterprise OS, SLE.
This idea was imported from Canny. Originally created by: Stephen Benjamin. The current owner is: Unassigned. CentOS 8 will go EOL on December 31, 2021. In order to prepare for the transition to CentOS Stream could you make a separate image availa...